Saturday, October 3, 2009

What are YOU reading?

What is "What are YOU reading?" all about? When people find out that I’ve written a book, one of the first questions I get is about what I’m reading. So, from time to time I’ll post a list of what I’m reading and what I’ve got in the pile that’s lined up next. Some are new, some old. A lot are YA or MG books. I read what I like, and my tastes vary wildly. I also read multiple books at the same time. :-) People are always lending or giving me books, I pick a lot up in the bargain bins at various bookstores, I buy some that I know I’ll want to keep at full price, and I get the rest from the library. I’ve even got readers on my iPhone and audiobooks, but nothing beats flipping the pages…

Here’s what I’m currently reading:

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman: He's one of my fave authors, so of course I'm reading this, just can't believe it took me so long to get to it! :-) It's beautifully written (duh!) and I love the mood the illustrations make.

Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis: Won a signed copy on the Bees' Blog and just started it. Why was I so excited to read? 1) Debut book and 2) werewolves. Cool.

Story by Robert McKee: The guru of screenwriting has a lot to say about how to write, and I've been told by everyone who's anyone to read it. It's helping me tremendously so far.

Planet India by Mira Kamdar: (carried over from last month)

The Host by Stephenie Meyer: (carried over from last month and will probably carry over into next year)

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold: (carried over from last month)

Just Finished:

Gone by Michael Grant: I am obsessed with this book. It's like Lord of the Flies meets X-Men as everyone 15 and over disappears and Perdido Beach is cut off from the rest of the world. And then kids start developing powers. It's awesome. Go buy it now. As soon as I can allow myself to buy another book (I'm on a book buying freeze for a bit till the pile gets lower) I'm getting the next in the series, Hunger, and will probably finish it in one sitting. SO GOOD! Are you at the bookstore buying it yet?!

Some of the books coming up next:

My Life in France by Julia Child: Gift from a friend since I'm a definite Francophile and love to cook.

Geektastic- Stories from the Nerd Herd edited by Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci: anthology of short stories about geekiness by a great group of YA authors.

The Shack by William P. Young: It's been in the pile for quite some time because I've been told I will bawl like a baby.

The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe: She had me at Salem Witch Trials.


Not sure how much actual reading I'll get done this month. I'm prepping the WIP so I can send queries to agents later this month, and then it's time to prep for NaNoWriMo. Here's my NaNo page if you're doing it this year- I need some buddies!!

And now, off to write...

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