Monday, October 1, 2012

Books I Recommend: SERAPHINA

In order to get myself blogging somewhat regularly, I've decided to mostly post about things I enjoy, especially books. I'm not planning to become a book blogger by any means, but I do find myself making recommendations a lot (and I do read a lot of books). Because I tend to get very enthusiastic when I read/watch/listen to something I enjoy, I'm hoping this enthusiasm will translate into regular blogging, something I've never been great at.

I chose to start with SERAPHINA by Rachel Hartman. This was one of my favorite books this summer. I received the digital ARC from Random House via NetGalley. Full disclosure, I wrote this review on Goodreads when I finished the book, so I am cheating a bit for this blog post!

What a fantastic, gorgeous book. If you're an epic fantasy fan, you must run out and read this now. The writing is beautiful and dense, best digested in small chunks so as to mull it over and re-read to hear the language again, however I often found myself so engrossed in the story that I'd devour 40 pages. It took me a while to read it because of how much I wanted to live in the world for a little longer.

Seraphina is a marvelously complex and interesting character. It blows me away that this is a debut novel. The writing is so tight and lyrical, especially when the author makes descriptions of music come to life. I love dragons and castles and intrigue, and the author delivered and then some. I also really enjoyed the execution of the political intrigue, and the way Seraphina was caught between protecting her secrets and being truthful with those she cared about. This was a unique book that I plan to purchase and read over and over. I cannot wait for the rest of the series.