So why am I here and why should you care?
Why I'm here is pretty simple actually. I've writen my first book, and I want to document the triumphs and frustrations of getting published and trying to transition to making a living as a writer. My focus is on writing fun novels for mid-grade (MG) and young adult (YA) readers. My first series is for YA and it's action-packed with angels, demons, and a little romance thrown in. The next series in my brain is MG and is a mystery/thriller story. I'm also working on a children's book with a friend of mine that will be for probably 2nd-5th grade. I haven't left the adults out though: my first series is smart enough to be adult-friendly, and I'm working on a horror story for my writing group anthology that will scare your pants off!
You should care, because I'll be on the bestseller list before too long and you can say you knew me when! Kidding, kidding. Maybe you shouldn't care, but I appreciate the support, for sure. :-)
Since you asked
This blog will of course talk about books and writing in general and my progress in the publication machine, but I'll also ramble on about legal news, music, movies, and other assorted things. If you ever have something you want me to post for you and publicize, pass it on. You can email, Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter me (hey- watch yourself buddy).
Grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage, curl up in a comfy chair in front of the fire, and stay a while. More to come...